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Describe the service and how customers or clients can benefit from it. This is the place to add a short description with relevant details, like pricing, duration and how to book. 

Describe the service and how customers or clients can benefit from it. This is the place to add a short description with relevant details, like pricing, duration and how to book. 

Describe the service and how customers or clients can benefit from it. This is the place to add a short description with relevant details, like pricing, duration and how to book. 

Eliminating sugar cravings

"I had never been under hypnosis before, so I didn't know what to expect but right from the start Ellen made sure I understood the process and made me feel really relaxed and comfortable. I had become addicted to refined sugar and was using it as an emotional crunch and had created unhealthy eating habits surrounding the amount and frequency of the consumption. This was not only very bad for my health, but it was also contributing to my weight gain which, I was really miserable about.


We had an intake session before the day to discuss everything I wanted to cover and Ellen was incredibly thorough in ensuring that it was all included in the session. I found her manner very professional, but also incredibly calm, soothing and supportive. She also did a recording for me to listen to for 21 days to affirm the issues that have been covered in the session. So far, I feel completely different with regard to my issues and, I am really confident that the hypnosis has been a success. Ellen is a fantastic hypnotherapist with a calm and serene manner which puts you at ease. I would highly recommend her to anybody that was thinking of going down the route of this type of therapy".


"I recently contacted Ellen for help as I’ve been experiencing negative thoughts my whole life and feel like it’s holding me back. My partner and I have recently moved and I felt lost, wondering what my purpose is and which direction to take.
During my session I felt very comfortable, Ellen made me feel relaxed and the session just flowed. She really made me feel like she really wanted to help me and for me to succeed. She tailored the session to me and throughout checked in to make sure she understood exactly what I was saying to her.
After my first session I already feel like I’ve gained back some control of my life, my outlook is more positive and I’m looking forward to my next session and where this will take me" 


"Just a quick note to thank you for the hypnotherapy session you gave me.
Before it I could be quite manic and get very stressed about the slightest of things. I would panic that others wouldn’t enjoy themselves around me and that I had to put everyone else’s needs in front of my own. I was always tense and on edge. After just one session and the reinforcement listening sessions over the next 21 nights the difference is amazing.
My mum was the first person to notice the difference. We have regular phone contact and she noticed how much more relaxed I was on the phone calls. I also feel much better about hosting people at my house and no longer feel the need to plan every second of the evening. Several of my guests have noticed and commented on the more “laid back” that I have become, and I enjoy the evenings much more than before. They are no longer something to “get through” I can enjoy them as much as my guests.
I don’t carry as much tension in my shoulders as I did before, so I feel more relaxed in my everyday living, and I don’t overthink things either.
 Thank you for freeing me from that behaviour"

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